Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Finds

Yesterday was a definite win.  Say hello to my lovely new bunch of thrifted treasures (minus a yellow-vintage sweater not pictured) that I was able to find yesterday while out and about! All for the price of only fifty dollars. 

I thought to myself on my way back home about possibly opening up an Etsy store to sell some of these items (and if I were to find more wonderful treasures in the future). We shall see, it's definitely something positively good to think about + look forward to! 

I snapped several more photos so that you can get a better look at some of the goodies I was able to find. 

{ southwestern prints + colors }

{ baxley, giving me the evil eye for keeping him inside }

I think my favorite book out of this bunch would have to be the "Back to Nature" Almanac.   I loved the random facts about plant life, how-to's for gardening, and even DIY crafts.  It's copyright is from the late 70s early 80s, not to old but old enough. ;)

{ china from england + asia }

{ lovely artwork throughout "the heart of a dog" book }

{ this big ben alarm clock is supposedly from 1949, however, I am not sure if this particular one was a reproduction }

{ I'm excited to wear these bad boys on my next photo adventure - most likely next Monday! }

The frame of dried flowers pictured below is a gift-in-process for a very special friend! I am hoping she gets it by Valentine's day. I purchased the frame at the thrift store for less than $0.50 and placed two dried flowers inside from a bouquet that I received while as a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding last summer.  What's funny is the straw-like-string (which I cannot think of the correct term right now) is also from a wedding from last summer. I totally did not realize this until now! 

{ DIY framed flowers }

Welp, that about sums up my wonderful thrifting finds from yesterday. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead! 

xx jmeelin

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Making Changes

OY! So I've decided to really get on top of my resolutions for this year. To start them off, I think this blog is a great place for making new changes. I really am planning to get better at posting (along with taking more pictures)...I pinky promise. I think it's been a couple weeks already since I last posted. Man does time really fly as you get older, ha! Along with my new blog update, I've also decided to redo my layout. Scott, my boyfriend, is currently reading more on building websites and using HTML...and until he is able to create a new layout for my blog, I am sticking to this one: a simple and functional template provided by Blogger! 

PICTURES FOR TODAY: I snapped several random photos of some of my favorite necklaces that I own, and a new shirt that I recently purchased (thanks to Nordstrom Rack)!

{ how i wish we got more snow in this area }

Keep in mind, this is only a small portion of the accessories I own.  Being that I worked in an accessory retail store for two years during college, it was hard not to pass off on my 50% employee discount! Oh the joy. ;) 

Let's see, I have a weekend off of work ahead, so let's hope for clear skies and sunshine! Wish you all a lovely rest of your week. 

xx jmeelin

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolution

{ Happy New Year! }
New year resolutions have always been difficult for me to stick with.  I guess maybe it's because I have always chosen something along the lines of dieting.  But I have decided that this year's goals for me will be different and will hopefully expand my creative side.
2012 Goals:
1) Learn how to use a sewing machine.
2) Use the sewing machine to up-cycle thrifted clothes!
3) Always try to finish what you started (i.e., reading a book, making + mailing a card). -- I am the queen of unfinished projects.
4) Attempt at least 5 different DIY projects and document.
5) Be organized. Plain and simple (so you would think).
6) Improve this blog of mine. 
7) Take more photos!
8) Continue to cook more healthy meals at home. 

I hope for those of you that read this, continue to have a wonderful year ahead! Happy beginnings! 

xx jmeelin