Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Making Changes

OY! So I've decided to really get on top of my resolutions for this year. To start them off, I think this blog is a great place for making new changes. I really am planning to get better at posting (along with taking more pictures)...I pinky promise. I think it's been a couple weeks already since I last posted. Man does time really fly as you get older, ha! Along with my new blog update, I've also decided to redo my layout. Scott, my boyfriend, is currently reading more on building websites and using HTML...and until he is able to create a new layout for my blog, I am sticking to this one: a simple and functional template provided by Blogger! 

PICTURES FOR TODAY: I snapped several random photos of some of my favorite necklaces that I own, and a new shirt that I recently purchased (thanks to Nordstrom Rack)!

{ how i wish we got more snow in this area }

Keep in mind, this is only a small portion of the accessories I own.  Being that I worked in an accessory retail store for two years during college, it was hard not to pass off on my 50% employee discount! Oh the joy. ;) 

Let's see, I have a weekend off of work ahead, so let's hope for clear skies and sunshine! Wish you all a lovely rest of your week. 

xx jmeelin

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