Monday, February 27, 2012

End of Month Update!

Since I have had not much time blogging lately (forgive me please), I decided to do a quick update on some recent and future happenings.

30 days of Lists is almost here. :) and I am proud to say that I have been very good about being on top of my preparations for my 30days book before heading to Michigan for an important wedding! Yay for not being a horrible procrastinator. However, I still have yet to buy the dress that I plan on wearing to the wedding...;)

Here are a couple snapshots on what I decided to use for my Lists project:

{ I bought this book at Michaels for $1! Added a bit more to the front cover for fun. }

Oh, and remember in my last post when I said I would share my kitchen spice rack that Scott made for me before Valentine's day? Well, here it is!

{ The night he showed me what he made for me! }
{ The next weekend, we were able to put our spices in most of the bottles. I put little sticky tabs on the bottom to remind me of the names for each! }

Last but not least, our baby Baxley's first birthday was last week! So, for his birthday I made him some pup-cakes from this recipe I found here! The recipe is actually for a dog cake, but because he is a smaller dog I thought cupcake sized bites would be easier on his tummy! I made about 18, and have been giving them to him as snacks since

{ "Can I has more, pwease?" }

In two days, I will be driving back to Michigan for Scott's sister's wedding! I just recently purchased a 16MB SD card, so you can expect several photos from the event. ;)

Until then, have yourself a wonderful leap year! 

xx jmeelin


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